Studiere Schach an der Uni in Griechenland
Liebe Schulschachlehrerinnen und -lehrer, liebe Schulschachtrainerinnen und -trainer,
ich kenne das Produkt nicht, aber wegen der Person (Mastermin IM Jesper Hall), die dahinter steht, glaube ich, es ist hervorragend. Wenn jemand an dem Programm teilnimmt, bitte ich um einen Erfahrungsbericht.
Die Sprache ist dabei natürlich englisch.
Dear Chess Friends,
The European Chess Union and Aegean University present the „Chess in Primary Education“ Academic Course. The ECU and the Aegean University signed the Agreement of co-operation yesterday in Rhodes, Greece.
The registrations for the Academic course will be open until the 1st of June, and the first 100 registrations will be accepted. The minimum requirement for the participation in the programme is the completion of the secondary school. The Academic course offers two time terms to complete the same program of 320 academic hours:
a) 3 months and 20 days (20h workload per week), and
b) 7 months and 10 days (10h workload per week).
Detailed information and registration link are available on the ECU Website. Enclosed to this email you can find a programme brochure with all the details and Cvs of the main coordinators.
With kindest regards,
Stefana Milutinovic
ECU Office
Web and Social Media Administrator