Fide-Preparation of teachers-Kurs vom 1.-3.Juli

Zuletzt am 18. Juni 2022 aktualisiert

Ich weiß nicht, inweiweit der Kurs gut ist, das kann ich nicht beurteilen.
Wenn einer daran teilnimmt, bitte mir sagen, ob es ihm gefallen hat.

Dear chess friends,

FIDE and its Chess in Education Commission are pleased to announce the third Preparation of Teachers course.

The course will be held in the English language online from 01-03 July, 15:00-20:00 CET each day.

Candidates who wish to attend the course must complete and return the following registration form:

Here is the announcement on the FIDE EDU website:

Would appreciate if you could share the information among people from your perspective who are interested in taking part and benefit from the knowledge and experience to be acquired during the course.

Best regards,

Smbat Lputian

Chairman of FIDE EDU commission

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